Coinfeeds Daily → Ether L2 Tech Developer Taiko Secures $15M Ahead of Mainnet

Ether L2 Tech Developer Taiko Secures $15M Ahead of Mainnet

Published: Mar 03, 2024 | Last Updated: Mar 17, 2024
Howard Kane

With its innovative Layer 2 technology, Taiko aims to tackle Ethereum's scalability challenges, promising a more efficient blockchain ahead of its mainnet launch.

Ethereum's blockchain technology has been a cornerstone for various digital innovations, especially in the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). However, as the network grows, so do the challenges of scalability, transaction costs, and speed. Addressing these issues, Taiko, an Ethereum Layer 2 developer, is making significant strides with its recent announcement of a $15 million Series A funding round and the upcoming launch of its mainnet.

Understanding Ethereum's Scalability Challenge

Ethereum, being a decentralized platform, faces a trilemma of scalability, security, and decentralization, where improving one aspect can often compromise another. As more applications are built on Ethereum, the network can become congested, leading to higher transaction fees and slower processing times. This is where Layer 2 solutions like Taiko come into play, offering a way to scale the network by handling transactions off the main Ethereum chain, thereby reducing congestion and fees.

Taiko's Approach to Scaling Ethereum

Taiko aims to revolutionize Ethereum's scalability through its 'Type 1' ZK-EVM and 'Ethereum-equivalent ZK rollup' technology. ZK-EVM, or Zero-Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine, allows for the execution of smart contracts and transactions off the main Ethereum chain while ensuring they are valid and secure. This approach not only scales the network but also maintains Ethereum's core principles of being censorship-resistant, permissionless, and secure. Furthermore, Taiko introduces 'based sequencing,' a method that simplifies the Layer 2 value chain, reducing friction for developers and streamlining trust assumptions.

The Road Ahead for Taiko

With a total funding of $37 million, Taiko is gearing up for the launch of its mainnet, expected by the end of Q2. The development team has been working on the project since 2022 and has recently launched its sixth testnet, Katla. Before the mainnet goes live, Taiko plans to conduct another round of stress tests and security audits to ensure the network's robustness and reliability. This launch is highly anticipated as it promises to make Ethereum more accessible and efficient for developers and users alike.


For developers and users in the Ethereum ecosystem, Taiko's developments offer a promising solution to the network's scalability challenges. By leveraging Taiko's Layer 2 solutions, developers can build more efficient and cost-effective applications, while users can enjoy faster transactions at lower costs. As the mainnet launch approaches, keeping an eye on Taiko's progress and understanding how to integrate or interact with its technology will be crucial for those looking to stay at the forefront of Ethereum's evolution.

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