Coinfeeds Daily → CFTC Chair Says 70-80% of Crypto Assets Are Not Securities

CFTC Chair Says 70-80% of Crypto Assets Are Not Securities

Published: Jul 11, 2024 | Last Updated: Jul 11, 2024
Howard Kane
The crypto regulation landscape
Image: The crypto regulation landscape

Behnam challenges SEC's stance, calls for Congressional action to establish a balanced regulatory framework for crypto assets.

The debate over how to regulate crypto assets continues to heat up, with recent comments from Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chairman Rostin Behnam adding fuel to the fire. Behnam's statements have significant implications for the future of the crypto market and its regulatory landscape.

Behnam's Stance on Crypto Assets

During a recent appearance before the Senate Agriculture Committee, CFTC Chairman Rostin Behnam declared that 70-80% of crypto assets should not be classified as securities. This statement provides a sense of relief to the crypto sector, which has been embroiled in regulatory disputes with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Behnam emphasized the need for a balanced framework to classify tokens, advocating for the CFTC's oversight of the crypto market.

Contrasting Views with the SEC

Behnam's perspective stands in stark contrast to that of SEC Chairman Gary Gensler, who has maintained that all cryptocurrencies, except Bitcoin, should be considered securities. This fundamental disagreement has created a regulatory tug-of-war between the two agencies. A recent court ruling in Illinois supported the CFTC's view by classifying Bitcoin and Ethereum as commodities, further complicating the debate.

Call for Congressional Action

Behnam has called for Congressional action to establish a formal regulatory framework for the crypto market. This call comes in the wake of the US House of Representatives passing the FIT21 act, which aims to create a regulatory structure for the crypto market with the CFTC as the primary regulator. Despite opposition from SEC Chair Gary Gensler, this legislative move could pave the way for clearer and more consistent regulation of crypto assets.

Practical Takeaways

For those involved in the crypto market, Behnam's statements and the ongoing regulatory discussions highlight the importance of staying informed about regulatory changes. The potential shift in oversight from the SEC to the CFTC could impact how various crypto assets are classified and regulated. Market participants should keep an eye on Congressional actions and court rulings that could shape the future regulatory landscape.

In summary, the debate over the classification and regulation of crypto assets is far from settled. With key figures like CFTC Chairman Rostin Behnam and SEC Chairman Gary Gensler holding opposing views, the outcome will significantly influence the crypto market's future. Staying informed and adaptable will be crucial for navigating this evolving regulatory environment.

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