Coinfeeds Daily → Celsius Repays $2 Billion to Creditors, Court Filing Shows

Celsius Repays $2 Billion to Creditors, Court Filing Shows

Published: Feb 17, 2024 | Last Updated: Mar 17, 2024
Howard Kane

In a major recovery move, Celsius distributes cryptocurrency to over 171,672 creditors, marking a significant step towards financial stability.

In a significant development within the cryptocurrency sector, Celsius, a once-bankrupt crypto lender, has made substantial progress in repaying its creditors. Recent court documents and company announcements reveal that Celsius has successfully distributed $2 billion worth of cryptocurrency to its creditors. This move marks a crucial step in the company's efforts to rectify the financial turmoil it found itself in during 2022.

The Distribution Process

The distribution process, which began at the end of January, has seen over 20,000 Bitcoin (BTC) and 301,000 Ethereum (ETH) allocated to 171,672 creditors. This effort is part of Celsius' broader plan to distribute a total of $3 billion worth of cryptocurrency to its creditors. The company's approach to managing this distribution has been through popular platforms such as PayPal and Coinbase, facilitating a smoother process for the vast number of creditors involved.

Celsius' Road to Recovery

Celsius' journey through bankruptcy and its subsequent recovery has been closely watched by the crypto community. After filing for bankruptcy in 2022, the company managed to emerge from it in November of the same year. This quick turnaround was made possible by a restructuring plan approved in October 2023, which laid out a clear path for repaying the company's creditors by the end of 2023. However, not all account holders have received their distributions yet. Those who disagreed with the restructuring plan or face compliance issues may have to wait longer to receive their share of the distributed crypto.

Legal Challenges Ahead

Despite these positive developments, Celsius and its former CEO, Alex Mashinsky, are not out of the woods yet. Mashinsky is set to stand trial in September 2024 over allegations related to the company's collapse. This legal battle represents a significant hurdle for both Mashinsky and Celsius as they work to rebuild trust within the cryptocurrency community.


The Celsius case offers several key takeaways for both investors and companies within the cryptocurrency sector. Firstly, it highlights the importance of robust financial and operational risk management, especially in the volatile world of crypto. Secondly, it underscores the potential for recovery, even in the face of significant challenges, provided there is a clear and viable plan in place. Lastly, the ongoing legal challenges faced by Celsius and Mashinsky serve as a reminder of the regulatory and legal complexities of the cryptocurrency market.

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