Price Data, Market Cap & News for PEPE ($PEPE) Cryptocurrency

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An Overview of PEPE

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Overview of PEPE


PEPE crypto is a meme coin that draws inspiration from the popular internet meme character "PEPE the Frog." Despite openly lacking intrinsic value or utility, PEPE crypto has rapidly gained popularity and market capitalization since its launch in April 2023. Within weeks, its value remarkably surged by 7,000%, propelling it into the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. This sudden prominence has sparked widespread intrigue and discussions analyzing PEPE crypto’s astronomical rise. As a meme coin, PEPE crypto exemplifies how sentiment and virality can profoundly impact market dynamics despite an admitted lack of inherent utility. From a neutral research perspective, it is fascinating to see how PEPE crypto has commanded the attention of both the crypto community and broader market simply as a reflection of an internet meme. Its unpredictable trajectory spotlights the potential influence of culture and emotion on the valuation of digital assets.