Price Data, Market Cap & News for Kadena ($KDA) Cryptocurrency

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An Overview of Kadena

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Overview of Kadena

Understanding Kadena

Kadena is a unique digital currency that operates on a proof-of-work blockchain. It combines the security of Bitcoin with the scalability of directed acyclic graph (DAG) principles. The result is a digital currency that offers unparalleled throughput, making it attractive to enterprises and entrepreneurs alike. Kadena's infrastructure is decentralized and designed for mass adoption, thanks to its multi-chain approach.

The Minds Behind Kadena

Kadena was founded in 2016 by Stuart Popejoy and Will Martino. Popejoy previously led JPMorgan's Emerging Blockchain group, while Martino was the Lead Engineer for JPMorgan's blockchain prototype, Juno. Another key figure in Kadena's creation is Dr. Stuart Haber, the co-inventor of blockchain technology and the most cited author in the Bitcoin whitepaper. The project also received backing from several crypto venture capitalists, including Multicoin Capital and CoinFund.

Token Supply

Kadena's native token, KDA, has a total supply of 1 billion. It serves two main purposes: paying for gas and rewarding miners for producing new blocks. As of now, there are 171 million KDA in circulation. The token emissions schedule will decrease gradually over time.

Where to Buy Kadena

Kadena can be purchased on various digital currency exchanges. However, it's essential to research and choose a reputable platform that offers Kadena transactions. Always ensure the platform is secure and has a user-friendly interface for a smooth trading experience.

Common Uses of Kadena

Kadena is primarily used as a digital currency for transactions. However, its unique infrastructure also makes it an attractive option for businesses. For instance, Kadena offers crypto gas stations, where businesses can pay for their customers' gas fees. This feature removes a significant barrier to adopting blockchains for business.

Latest News and Developments

Kadena has recently scaled its network from 10 to 20 blockchains, demonstrating its commitment to scalability. The latest addition to Kadena is its private Kuro layer-two blockchain, which supports up to 8,000 transactions per second across 500 nodes. This development is a significant step towards Kadena's goal of supporting global financial systems on an industrial scale.

Moreover, Kadena's unique approach to security and scalability has garnered attention in the crypto world. By braiding chains together, Kadena can mint multiple blocks simultaneously, increasing its throughput and security. This method reduces an attacker's time between block confirmations, making Kadena a safer choice for transactions.

Despite these advancements, Kadena continues to prioritize energy efficiency. The digital currency promises to deliver more transactions with the same energy input, distinguishing it from other digital currencies like Bitcoin.

Technological Advancements

Kadena has been making significant strides in technological developments. The company has introduced quicksign support for desktop applications, enhancing user experience by enabling wallets to sign multiple transactions in a single request. In addition, Kadena has released a new version of the Pact API, which includes several built-in functions that allow users to build zero-knowledge solutions. This is a major step towards improving the efficiency and security of the Kadena blockchain.

Environmental Initiatives

In recent news about Kadena, the company has shown a commitment to environmental sustainability. Kadena has partnered with NoPool to address the environmental impact of Proof-of-Work (PoW) mining. Mining operations that use at least 80% clean energy are eligible to be certified as low-emission miners and receive feeless pool service for one month per quarter. This initiative promotes the use of clean energy in mining operations, making Kadena a greener alternative for crypto mining.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Kadena has been actively collaborating with other organizations to expand its ecosystem. The company has partnered with Tellor to develop an oracle service to support DeFi infrastructure on the Kadena blockchain. Additionally, Kadena has worked with Electron Labs to enhance the functionality of the Pact API. These collaborations are expected to significantly contribute to the growth and scalability of the Kadena ecosystem.

Community Engagement

Lastly, Kadena has launched a $100 million grants program to assist entrepreneurs, developers, and builders in accelerating the development of their projects on Kadena. This initiative reflects Kadena's commitment to fostering a vibrant and innovative community around its blockchain technology.